BBP 050 : Increase Your Profits Thanks To Better Client Retention

Time sure does fly by!

Welcome to our 50th Episode and hopefully. . .we’ll also get our 200,000th lifetime download for the Beauty Business Podcast too!

So I’d like to take this opportunity to THANK YOU all my lovely listeners for this milestone as I couldn’t have done it without your continued support!

If you know someone who can benefit from listening to my podcast then please do share especially within your team! Remember that continuing education can really help you run a smooth and stress-free beauty business . . and the more people in your team that listen, the more ideas and results you’ll get!

Back to our newest episode though . . . we will be talking about Client Retention and specifically how to measure your Client Retention Rate and New Client Retention rate and then what to do with them.

I’d advise you better be ready with your notepads and calculators!

But before you press play, let me remind you about the upcoming Beauty Business Boot Camp that I had announced in the previous episode.This is a week long FREE virtual training event!

I will be covering the MAJOR topics affecting independent businesses in our industry . . . and sharing my KNOWLEDGE that I believe will make a huge difference to your business in 2019.

It’s happening very soon . . . from the 25th February to the 1st March 2019 and I don’t want you to miss it!

To register click HERE!

Now let’s go back to our Client Retention Class!


Episode Highlights and Takeaways:

What is Client Retention? (4:51)

“Client retention basically means keeping your clients or keeping your clients coming back.”

The Two Main Reasons Why It’s Important (5:18)

What is Client Retention Rate or CRR?  (6:35)

“Client retention rate is basically a measure of how many of your clients are coming back.”

3 Figures of CRR:

  • How many “Active Clients” you had at the start of the 90 day period
  • How many “Active Clients” you had at the end of the 90 day period
  • How many NEW clients you received in that same 90 Day period

What is New Client Retention? (11:54)

“You need to be really putting in the effort to retain those NEW clients and that means bringing them BACK for more treatments as soon as possible.”

2 Figures of NCR:

  • TOTAL number of NEW clients in a 90 day period
  • TOTAL number of NEW clients who came more than once in a 90 day period

How to improve Client Retention Rate or CRR? (17:04)

5 SUPER Quick and Simple Tips to Boost Your Everyday Customer Service (28:03)



Top 10 Special Offer Ideas That DON’T Involve Discounts

BBP 024 : How To Use Facebook Messenger Bots to Automate and Grow Your Beauty Business

BBP 041 : Dealing with Last Minute Cancellations, Late Arrivals and No Shows

Professional Beauty London:



The Beauty Business Boot Camp:



The Beauty Business Hackers:

JOIN US for FREE training videos!


Sharing is Caring!

“Customer service is very much at the heart of Client Retention most of the time . . . more clients leave a business or leave negative reviews because of how they FEEL they’ve been treated than actually any genuine poor treatment or poor service.”
-Adam Chatterley-


Help a colleague or someone you know who’d be interested by sharing this episode. Let’s hit the 200,000 lifetime downloads!

Help Me Create An Impact!

One of my biggest goals this year 2019 is to create an impact to beauty business owners like YOU every . . single . . day by helping you become more successful.I’m calling this my Impact 365 goal.

So if I’ve ever made any significant difference in your life or business after listening to any podcast episodes, reading my blogs or via online workshops then let me know by leaving a review , recommendation or comment. Every review will count towards my impact goal and will be featured on my website on a daily basis.

Here are ways you can be part of Impact 365:

Leave a recommendation via my Facebook Page:

Give a review on iTunes:

Visit Impact 365 and leave a comment:

I look forward to hearing from you and of course to help YOU achieve a successful, stress-free and rock solid business!

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