BBP 103 : People Power – Find Them, Grow Them, Keep Them featuring Kathryn Moore


Welcome to Day Three of The Beauty Business Podcast National Spa Week Specials.

Our focus in this episode is Human Resources and Recruitment,  specifically from two crucial perspectives: The Business Owner or Manager and the Individual. We’ll tackle how to effectively handle your team in these difficult times and also how to stand out from the crowd and secure a role you really want during the current crisis we are facing. 

To help us out, I’ve tracked down a real expert, a returning podcast guest and new friend of the podcast, Kathryn Moore of Spa Connectors and Hall of Wellness Awards.

So if you want to know how to best support your team, recruit for a new position, or stand out from the crowd when it comes to applying for your next role . . . listen up!


National Spa Week Day 3 is Sponsored by: BC Softwear


Episode Highlights and Takeaways:

Update on Hall of Wellness Award (5:13)

Why Are HR and Recruitment important right now? (7:44)

Thoughts of Recruiters and Individuals (13:00)

Offering Your Services (19:05)

Transparency and Empathy (24:20)

Key Things To Look At The Moment (30:19)

Challenges of HR and Recruitment in the Foreseeable Future (34:07)

Final Thoughts (37:36)


Sharing is Caring!

“If we’re actually a little bit more transparent and trusted with our team, understanding that they want to help us, I think we would get much more out of everyone. I think that’s a key thing we need to learn.” – Kathryn Moore


Help a colleague or someone you know who’d be interested in sharing this quote or episode.



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