BBP 119 : Embracing Technology in the Beauty Industry with Tracy Ftacek

Technology plays a huge part in our lives, but especially in the beauty industry where we should utilize booking apps, websites, and of course, social media. 

Over the last 12 months, we’ve all experienced limited human interaction that could have crippled the beauty industry. However, some tech-savvy beauty business owners didn’t let the pandemic stop then from creating a whole new customer experience while on quarantine. And I’d like to introduce to one such business owner as this week’s guest…

Meet the CEO of  Pretty Convenient Salon and founder of the Pretty Convenient App, Tracy Ftacek.

This kindred spirit of mine, total geek, shares her journey from being a salon manager needing to find a smart solution to a real life problem to being a founder of a beauty app that helped her keep earning money and paying her team. We also share some helpful tips for “embracing” technology in your business.

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Episode Highlights and Takeaways:

Tracy’s History (8:47)

Quickfire Round (11:15)

Beauty and Technology (15:10)

What Does Tech Means (16:30)

Tracy’s Teachnology Transformation (22:00)

Clients Reaction To Tech (27:08)

Discovery During “The Pause” (28:33)

Tracy’s Top Tech Tips (32:50)

Links mentioned in this episode:




Sharing is Caring!

The inches of success are all around us so it’s our responsibility to step a little to the left and a little to the right, towards and backwards, to find those pieces of success.

Tracy Ftacek

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