BBP 125 : Why MONEY isn’t making you HAPPY with Nicole Mayer

I am sure you’ve heard it a thousand times. “Money can’t buy you happiness.” 

For sure, you’ve rolled your eyes thinking “Yeah, only people WITH money say that!”

But money can’t really buy you that long-term happiness or fulfillment as a business owner. The quote is actually TRUE, and we’ll be proving it on today’s podcast.

The real truth is in fact if you find your happiness, often the money will follow.

Our special guest today had to find all this out the really hard way, but it’s led her to create a formula for happiness and wealth by first focusing on her WHY.

I’d love you to meet the bestselling writer of Navigating Life’s Transitions, Nicole Mayer, as she shares her journey towards happiness.

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Episode Highlights and Takeaways:

Nicole’s Journey from Rock Bottom (6:37)

Quickfire Time (9:45)

What is Our Why? (13:57)

The Two Types of WHYs (15:32)

Overcoming the Feeling MONEY is the problem (17:08)

How to Uncover What Will Really Make You ‘Happy’ (22:01)

Ways To Achieve our Happiness (25:18)

Nicole’s Biggest Tip (29:25)

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“Your life is not gonna look like anyone else’s, and it shouldn’t. It’s gonna be unique to you, so figure out what you value and start building your life around that.” Nicole Mayer –

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