BBP 131 : Repeating Yourself Will Make You Richer

Let’s talk about the power of repetition and how it will make you richer.

Let me say that again . . . today I’d like to share how repetition will make you richer. 

No, I’m not talking about sitting in a circle chanting while manifesting money falling from the sky. I’m talking about the power of repetition and how it will save you hours on your marketing, have your clients ACTUALLY listen to you and even attract new clients more easily.

In fact, repeating yourself will help your business grow in so many ways.

Click below to listen and let me explain . . .

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Episode Highlights and Takeaways:

Stop Making Your Life Harder; Repeat Yourself More? (1:20)

What is Spaced Repetition (8:47)

6 Simple Uses for Repetition in Your Business (10:17)

Sharing is Caring!

Repetition is the key to understanding. This is how you learn your skills. This is how we learn everything. Adam Chatterley –

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