BBP 132 : Help! Where’d My Motivation Go?

Did you lose something during lockdown?

Your Mojo. 

You’re not the only one and that’s okay. 

I’ve been hearing from business owners struggling with overwhelm, misplaced mojo, underwhelm and even some that feel they’ve lost the love for what they do.

For the last year and a bit we’ve all been in a situation that was beyond our control. Many of us were forced into survival mode to keep paying the bills.

Now that we are moving towards some sort of normal again, we’ve got to adjust back. And that’s hard, we’ve not had the time to switch gears. And that’s left us stuck

But it’s time to refocus and get your mojo back. 

The good news is the cure is simple.

Let me share it with you in today’s episode.

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Episode Highlights and Takeaways:

Misplaced Your Mojo? (3:23)

Two Mistakes We Hate To Admit (7:55)

How To Keep Being Motivated (12:58)

Winning Your Weeks (25:14)

Sharing is Caring!

We can’t control the outcome with total certainty. But the more focus we can get back into our lives again, the happier I think we’re gonna be. Adam Chatterley –

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