BBP 185: Don’t look back in anger; do this instead!

One of the things I’ve realised as I work with more and more business owners is that people don’t look behind them often enough.

Whether or not it’s the coming to the end of the year when you listen to this, it’s essential to look back occasionally in your business to see how far you’ve come.

This is so you can celebrate your win, learn from things that didn’t quite go to plan and identify your hold-ups.

Together, let’s do a recap of what we’ve achieved this year, and I’ll share with you my plan and what we’ve got in store for 2024.

….Oh and if you’d like me to help you make sure 2024 is the most amazing year it can be in your business, then I’m opening up a few spots in my FRAME YOURSELF Program for 2024.


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“What lessons have you learned? Write those down. Make sure you learn from them. If there were mistakes, DON’T do them again. If there were things that you do differently, do them differently next time. But until you recognize them, you’ll probably just do them all over again.” Adam Chatterley

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. I’m enjoying your podcast and I popped online here per your direction looking for the workbook and training to go with this podcast but can’t find them. Maybe I missed something in the instructions? If you could let me know how to get that, I’d be very grateful. Thanks!

    1. Hey Fredricka . . . thanks for the comment.

      I don’t think there was a workbook for this episode, so I think it might have either been the Blueprint (previous episode) or the planning workbook which was a couple of episodes ago.

      Here’s a link to the planning episode workbook and training:

      And here’s the Blueprint link:

      If it’s neither of those and you’re looking for something else, drop me an email to and we’ll get you sorted.

      – Adam

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