BBP 004 : How to Sell More . . Much More Retail Product in Your Salon with Pete Scott

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How to Sell More Retail Products in Your Salon with Pete Scott Image

Intro  . .

Todays guest is well known in the health and beauty industry and you would have stuggled to have been to an event or read an industry magazine in the last couple of years not have have seen his name somewhere.

After being the self confessed WORST sales person ever to work in the health and leisure area of the steiner cruise liner world, he has now gone on to have personally sold well over $1.2 million worth of retail product himself in his overall career to date and now he teaches others how to do the same.

His name is Pete Scott and when I asked other people in the industry who I should invite on to the show to talk about retail . . everyone and I mean EVERYONE said I should get Pete on . . . so I did!


[themify_box style=”yellow announcement” ]I have put together an AWESOME download for you with this episode! A completely FREE “How to Sell More Retail” cheatsheet containing Pete’s 5 Top Sales Tips to sell more retail in your salon starting today! Click Here to Download it![/themify_box]


Show Notes:

Pete tells his story . . . “I was the worst sales person ever!It’s time to sink or swim!”

Questions dealt with in this episode:

(1) How to combat the TV Adverts for more mainstream beauty and hair products which claim to be as good if not better than professional salon brands, but available at a much lower price and in all good supermarkets?

(. . . and yes it does sound like I say ‘pacific’ but I obviously mean ‘specific’) 

(2) How can we compete with online wholesale stores that sale exactly the same products as us (i.e the same professional products we sell in store) to clients at prices much cheaper than we can offer?

(3) “You’ve got a problem – I’ve got a product for that!” – The OLD way to sell just doesn’t work these days.

(4) What can you do today to improve your retail sales?

(5) Understand your clients – it’s as easy as “Why”

(6) The “Pre-Problem-Aware” framework for better sales results (This is amazing!)

(7) Understanding The Law of Reciprocation

[themify_box style=”grey rounded” ]”If you find your self holding a product in your hand and showing your client that product . . . stop now!” -Pete Scott[/themify_box]

(8) Give . . . give . . . give . . . give . . . give . . . result

(9) The ‘Facebook’ model for selling

(10) Why you should sell like a dentist!

(11) Price is NEVER the issue

(12) The “How Long have you . . . ” question for retail success

(13) Above all . . . genuinely care about your clients and don’t ‘expect’ the sale

Book Suggestion: To Sell is Human by Daniel Pink [Click on the Image]



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