BBP 086 : Your Beauty Business Corona Crisis Plan

  • Post category:Podcast

Already know you want the plan? Go straight to the download

Are the news reports and expert opinions about the situation we are in right now driving you crazy?

Well we can’t ignore what’s happening around us, but this episode is about alleviating that anxiety, PLANNING instead of panicking. 

This is a very short episode on purpose because rather than listening to me I’d rather help you as a business owner, to stop being anxious and dealing with what you can actually control which ultimately will help your business both now and once this pandemic is over.

I have created a Beauty Business Owners Coronavirus Crisis Management Plan, catchy title I know, which is yours FREE to download with a checklist included so you can check your progress and feel better with every box you tick. It’s easy to follow and print-ready so you can work on the right things your business even while in lockdown.

Here’s the link to download:

I understand that these are stressful times, but we have to plan for the future while we wait for this crisis to be over. 

Remember to TAKE ACTION now and come out STRONGER after!

If you want more tips on how to work IN your business without being IN it then join me on my Facebook group: The Beauty Business Hackers

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Ariella Joseph

    Trying to download the crisis plan but it says misdirected page? Could you help please?

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