BBP 148 : Spathetics and More Revenue Monthly

Two things that are going to have a profound effect on your business in 2022:

  • Spathetics
  • M.R.R.

Your clients want results. 

They want them quicker than ever before and the good news is that they’re willing to pay more to get them.

But because we’re all about “wellness’ now, they want the results based results that typically come from more medical treatments, but they want that relaxed, spa like experience even more than ever.

Welcome to Spathetics.

Fortunately, Spathetics may also be the answer to you not having to start from zero every month in your business. 

M.R.R. (Monthly Recurring Revenue) means you get to do what you love, helping people look and feel amazing by delivering your treatments and services without the need to worry about money.

Sounds too good to be true?

Joining us today is a good friend of mine from the beauty and wellness industry (somehow we’ve known each other for a decade) and she’s currently the Corporate Account Manager with HydraFacial, who you may have heard of. Let me introduce you to Zoe Graham. 

We’ll dive deep into this new world of Spathetics and how it can help your business and your clients. I was fascinated by HydraFacial not simply being a machine or a treatment, it’s an entire business model in itself.

And if you listen to the end Zoe and HydraFacial Team have prepared something pretty special for you!!

Click Here to Check It Out!

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Episode Highlights:

What is Spathetics? (8:20)

Key benefits of Spathetics (10:30)

What is Hydrafacial? (14:30)

How does Hydrafacial work as a business model? (20:18)

How to choose the right Spathetics brand to work with? (23:16)


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“Spathetics is the movement for spas, salons or service-led businesses who are in non-medical sector to introduce more aesthetic-led results or treatments to their menu.”Zoe Graham, HydraFacial –

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