BBP 039 : 7 Tricks To Make Sure Your Business Isn’t Left Behind by The Voice Search Revolution

Welcome to the Season 4 of the Beauty Business Podcast!

It’s great to be back again behind the mic recording. . . I’ve missed giving you value-packed, actionable mini-masterclasses in podcast format so you’re definitely in for a treat.

Now in this season. . . we’re going to get REAL!

I’m calling this the “Tough Love Season” because we’re taking things back to basics to talk about things that will really make a difference in your beauty business TODAY so you’d better get ready!

To kickstart Season 4, our first episode is all about “voice search” which is a topic buzzing online in Facebook groups and forums.

If you’re not familiar with voice search then don’t worry as I will explain everything. . .

For all the links, visit the show notes page: Click here!

Episode Highlights and Takeaways:

Easier to Ask (03:54)

“More and more people are using online search to find local businesses, to check out local business quality and it is becoming more common to ask our devices these questions than it is to type things in.”

Voice Search in Our Lives (04:54)

“Now it is estimated that by the end of this year, around 40% of all interaction with technology will be via voice control rather than push button or any sort of keyboard so that’s how fast things are moving and that’s how quickly voice search is coming into our lives.”

7 Things You Need to Do To Make Sure Your Business Is Not Left Behind in The Voice Search Revolution (05:58)

1.) List, list, list… (06:10)

2.) Be Consistent. (07:40)

3.) Keywords are key. (08:20)

4.) Let’s Review. (09:19)

*If you want to learn how to get more reviews from your clients every day, check out ”reviews” on my Beauty Business Hackers Facebook Group. Join here!

5.) Watch Your Tail. (11:47)

6.) Beef Up Your Tags. (12:41)

7.) Social Equality. (13:35)

This Episode is brought to you by:

This episode of The Beauty Business Podcast was supported by Sideline.

Sideline makes it easy to separate your work and personal calls, switch off when your away from work but still able to leave your phone turned on. You can keep your personal number private and set up automated text messages to respond for you when you are busy!

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Sideline isn’t just calls either . . . you can text, call, picture message everything giving you all the benefit of a second phone but at a fraction of the cost and none of the hassle.

Best of all right now listeners of The Beauty Business podcast can download sideline for iPhone or Android for a FREE 7 day trial. Just go to for more info . . .

I highly encourage you to check it out!


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“Now it is estimated that by the end of this year, around 40% of all interaction with technology will be via voice control rather than push button or any sort of keyboard so that’s how fast things are moving and that’s how quickly voice search is coming into our lives.” – Adam Chatterley


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