BBP 052 : 10 Ways To Save BIG Money In Your Spa and Salon

episode 52 cover image

“A penny saved is a penny earned.”

Heard of this common saying? Well, it is actually true..

So imagine saving more than a penny. . . how about £5,000 in a single year?

How does sound to you?

I am sure you can think of a lot of things you’d rather spend that money on if you had it.

Running a spa and salon can be very expensive and if you don’t look closely at your spending habits then it’s very easy to spend more than you should be.

But worry no more as I have listed ten practical tips that can help you save money and not only that, you can actually help the environment too!

This is not just a list of ideas either, I’ve calculated the potential saving for each item. . . being the math geek that I am . . so you know which ones will make the biggest difference to your business.

So get ready with your ears, notes and perhaps a calculator, as you’ll be surprised about how much money you can keep on your pocket by the end of this episode!

Episode Highlights and Takeaways:

“Saving money in your business, means you get to keep more and therefore means you earn more money!”

“I thought in order for a salon ( indeed any business ) to be MORE environmentally friendly, it would actually be MORE expensive to do so. However many of the items here about SAVING money as it turns out also helps to save the planet!”

“One way to save SERIOUS money in your business REALLY surprised me . . . . for three reasons actually, one because of just how much money you can save, two because it’s super environmentally friendly and three because it’s probably the very opposite of what we all naturally believe to be true.” – Check out Number 6 on my list to see what I am talking about!


List of 10 practical ways to save money in your salon starting today (4:30)

  1. Upgrade your Lighting.
  2. Power Down!
  3. Watch your stocks.
  4. Chill out
  5. Reducing Your Cancellation and No-shows.
  6. Go Disposable.
  7. Reuse and Recycle Whenever Possible.
  8. Go paperless.
  9. Wake up and DON’T Smell the Roses.
  10. Quality over Affordability.

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Episode 52 Show Notes:

BBP 041 : Dealing with Last Minute Cancellations, Late Arrivals and No Shows

Scrummi Spa Biodegradable Towels


Sharing is Caring!

ep-52 quote image

One way to save SERIOUS money in your business REALLY surprised me . . . . for three reasons actually, one because of just how much money you can save, two because it’s super environmentally friendly and three because it’s probably the very opposite of what we all naturally believe to be true. -Adam Chatterley-

Help a colleague or someone you know who’d be interested by sharing this quote or episode!

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Karan Joshi

    Yes, we can save money in the spa and salon this way. We can do some easy jobs at home. Thanks for sharing information on money-saving at spa and salon.

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